Plotter People

The second Plotter People NYC will take place on June 25, 2019. Join us and meet a community of artists, makers, and creative coders who use robots to make art. Everyone who has an interest in pen plotting and robotic art is welcome to attend, regardless of experience level.


Tuesday, June 25
6:30 - 9:00pm


Two Sigma Ventures
Third Floor
100 6th Ave., NYC

Plotter People is free to attend thanks to Two Sigma Ventures’ generous donation of event space, but please RSVP so we can sign you in to the building!

Plotter People NYC #2


Andrew Heumann (@andrewheumann)

Andrew is a former architect and current researcher at WeWork, and an artist working with generative 3D modeling on nights and weekends. His work can be seen at @beingheumann.

Sash Zats (@zats)

Sash is a software engineer with design past and metallurgy background. He loves generating art with code, he is particularly excited about pen plotters for two reasons: interesting limitations they impose, and an easy bridge into intimate world on ink-on-pen they provide. His work can be seen at @zatss.

The show-and-tell will be accompanied by a gallery in which attendees can display their work. If you would like to participate in the gallery, bring your work and we will help you set it up.


6:30pm Arrive at Two Sigma Ventures
Third Floor
100 6th Ave., NYC.
Make some new friends!
7:00pm Talks
8:00pm Gallery + Food
Grab a bite to eat, check out what folks are working on, and ask them questions!
9:00pm Head home with a belly full of food and a head full of ideas!

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, volunteers and organizers are required to abide by the Plotter People Code of Conduct.